Lawless: The Real Bushrangers
Unearthing the truth behind Australia’s most infamous lawless legends.
Lawless – The Real Bushrangers is a landmark documentary series exploring Australia’s most iconic crimes of colonial history. These are stories of violent murder and gun toting mayhem, foundation tales of those that make and break the law. From the birth of the Ned Kelly legend to the brutal death of Ben Hall, these pivotal events are shrouded in mystery and folklore. How do we separate fact from fiction? Now Mike Munro - Australia’s own television icon - and a specialist team investigate the legends of these rebels and the people who fought against them, using the full force of modern day science. Using archaeology to literally break new ground and the latest forensic methods to test the historical evidence, the team illuminate a fact-based version of our history.
Presented by Foxtel and Screen Australia in association with Film Victoria and Screen Queensland
Duration: 4 x 52 minutes
Released: October 2017
Broadcast Partner & Sales: Foxtel Australia
Host: Mike Munro
Archaeologist: Adam Ford
Historian: Kiera Lindsey
Forensic Pathologist: Roger Byard
Series Producer: Daniella Ortega
Director (Kelly & Ben Hall): Michael Davie
Director (Kenniff & Moonlite): Steve Westh
Writer: Daniella Ortega
Writer: Margaret Parker (Kelly & Ben Hall)
Writer: Gisela Kaufmann (Moonlite)
Writer: Steve Westh (Kenniff)
Directors Of Photography: Peter Coleman A.C.S.(Kelly & Moonlite)
Directors Of Photography: Jaems Grant A.C.S. (Kenniff)
Directors Of Photography: Craig Barden A.C.S (Drama)
Editor: Andrew Arestides A.S.E. (Kelly & Kenniff & Ben Hall)
Editor: Kim Moodie A.S.E. (Moonlite)